Homeopathic Prostate Cancer Remedies
What is Homeopathy?
Homeopathy is an alternative medicine that treats patients by applying a small amount of what--in larger doses--is causing the symptoms of a patient's disease. The mixtures are prepared by a homeopath who examines the various symptoms the patient is having and puts together the mixture.
How a Homeopath Decides on the Mixture
Though a homeopath will consider a patient's symptoms before prescribing a homeopathic mixture, she will also consider other variables. Such variables include what caused the ailment and why the patient is showing some symptoms and not others. The homeopath will also look at the sources of stress in a patient and consider whether the disease might be psychosomatic. The goal is to cure the patient not the disease.
Homeopathic Treatments
Apis mellifica may be given as the remedy for painful urination and a swollen prostate area. Chimaphilla umbellate is given when a swollen prostate is causing problems with urination. Clematis can also be given for urination problems. Other treatments include lycopodium, pulsatilla, sabal serrulata, staphysagria and thuja. Homeopaths will most likely recommend one treatment at a time and see if the body responds. If there is a positive response, treatment will continue. If not, a new remedy will be given.
Is Homeopathy Effective?
Some studies have shown that while homeopathic treatments don't seem to affect cancer cells, they may slow the progression of the cancer and its incidence.
Cautions About Homeopathy
Because homeopathy's effectiveness is still in dispute, you should not forgo a traditional therapy for homeopathic treatment. Rather you should look to use homeopathy as a supplement to whatever treatment program your doctor recommends. You should also discuss both treatments with both your doctor and your homeopath.