How to Buy Homeopathic Medicine
Ideally, to buy a homeopathic remedy, you would see a homeopathic doctor and get the remedy from him. However, homeopathic doctors might not be available in your area. So if you are interested in trying homeopathic remedies, you might need to locate them yourself. If this is the case, buying a remedy is also about selecting the right remedy. This article will try to help you locate homeopathic remedies as well as guide you in the basics of selecting a remedy. But please note that the sheer volume of remedies makes it impossible to help you select the right remedy in just one article. Check our References and Resources sections for more information.
Things You'll Need
- Internet Organic-based grocery store
Buying Homeopathic Remedies
Make a list of your symptoms. Sit down in a quiet place where you can concentrate. Start from the top of your head and slowly work your way down, gathering symptoms --- emotional feelings also count. Do you have a headache? If so, where does the ache usually start? How intense is it? Be as detailed in listing your symptoms as you can. With homeopathic remedies, there will be different remedies for the different types of headaches.
Go down the length of your body, noting anything physical, mental or emotional that is going on while you are experiencing your condition. It is important to consider when the problem first occurred. Did it come on after a particular stress? Does it trouble you more at night than during the day? Does your condition make you particularly sensitive to your environment --- to light or cold, for example? Consider everything because homeopathy looks to treat the whole patient in terms of his environment. -
Differentiate between acute symptoms and chronic ones. You might require one remedy for any chronic condition and a separate remedy for whatever is currently, or temporarily, ailing you --- the acute symptoms. Decide which condition(s) you are seeking to treat with homeopathy.
Compare your symptoms with what the remedies treat. You can do this one of two ways:
Method 1: Go online and find a program that takes your symptoms as input. For example, a program is available at the ABCs of Homeopathy site, whose link is provided below. Simply follow the program's prompts, filling in your symptoms from your list.
Method 2: Either go to an online homeopathy seller (see Homeopathic Remedies below) or try your local organic grocery store (such as Whole Foods). These places usually sell homeopathic remedies. Either way, the remedies will usually be grouped based on the primary symptom. Even so, there will usually be more than one remedy for that symptom. Each remedy will further list the other symptoms associated. Read through until you find the one that best fits your list of symptoms. -
Compare sites. Compare them to your local stores. There are many, many remedies available and you might find that not everyone carries them all. So if you do not find a remedy that seems to really fit your symptoms, try searching additional sites. If you still cannot find a remedy, try the one that comes the closest. In comparing remedies, you will need to compare your meaning of a "sharp" headache to that of someone labeling the remedy. As such, the method of selecting is not as exact a science as is blood work. So you might have to try more than one remedy before you find the right remedy. This can be true even if you see a homeopathic doctor as he, too, has to weigh the words you use to describe your symptoms with those of the remedy.
Choose the dosage that best fits your condition. In general, chronic conditions take a much lower dose than do acute conditions. And while it could seem backwards, the higher the number (such as 200X), the lower the dose. This means that a 6X remedy is a high dosage. 30X is a common dosage.
Now order or buy the remedy that seems right for you.