Homeopathic Remedies for a Head Cold
Homeopathic Remedies
A patient's symptoms, along with emotional and personality traits, determine the remedy used. Most homeopathic treatments are given in the form of small, pellet-sized pills. Place the pills directly into the mouth without touching with the hands first, and allow them to dissolve naturally. No food or water should be consumed ten minutes before or after taking the pills.
Aconitum napellus
Aconitum napellus is a poisonous plant, of the buttercup family, used in minute homeopathic doses in the early stages of a cold when a patient presents symptoms including tension in the chest, choking cough and scratchy throat. A 30c dose can be taken three times per day, though a practitioner may recommend as much as 200c.
Allium cepa
Allium cepa is the Latin name for onion. The homeopathic remedy made from onion is indicated when a patient has watery eyes, frequent sneezing and clear discharge coming from the nose. While symptoms persist, a cold sufferer takes 6c dose of allium cepa once a day.
Arsenicum album
Patients who have frequent head colds, sore throats and chest problems may take Arsenicum album, derived from the metallic element arsenic. A 30c dose of arsenic album can be taken once per day.
Belladonna is used to treat high fever with redness and delirium. Although homeopathic dosages are safe, side effects of belladonna can include hot, flushed skin, restless sleep and upset stomach. The recommended use of belladonna is a 30c remedy.
Ferrum Phosphoricum
Ferrum phosphoricum is one of the most popular remedies for the common cold. The usual dosage of Ferrum phos. is 30c.