Homeopathic Asthma Remedy
Looking at the Symptoms
Asthma can affect a person in different ways. Depending on the person, an asthma attack can be brought on by a number of things. Anger, stress, heavy physical activity and allergies are some examples of things that can cause a person to have an asthma attack.
Once an attack has begun, the body will begin to show symptoms of the kind of asthma it is. You can have violent attacks, acute attacks, attacks that come with a dry coughing, a wheezing kind of breathing and some that are just periodic loses of breath. All these things are considered when deciding which homeopathic remedy to use.
Children and Adults:
Aside from the symptoms, you will also base the selection of a remedy on the age of the person with the asthma. Some remedies are specifically for children and some are for adults. There are also homeopathic remedies that can be used for both children and adults.
The Remedies for Asthma and the Symptoms that go with them:
Antimonium tartaricum:
This remedy is for children. The symptoms that go with this remedy are drowsiness, feeling weak, feeling cold and coughing with mucus. Though the child feels cold, he will be inclined to a cold room rather a warm room. The cough will have a rattling sound and the child will be unable to cough up the mucus. All of these symptoms will generally worsen in the early mornings around 4 am. An asthma attack with these symptoms will generally come about from the child being angered or upset.
Arsenicum alb:
The symptoms for this remedy are complaints of periodic breathing problems, mostly in the middle of the night around 1 am and in the middle of the day, around 1 pm. Agitation and nervousness are the main symptoms. The person will also feel very thirsty but will only take small sips of liquid.
Blatta Orientalis:
This is a temporary fix for acute asthma attacks. It subdues the attack, but another remedy will need to be found to permanently take care of the problem.
If the person with asthma has a bluish tone to the skin, is throwing up or having a very violent attack, then this remedy will help.
A person with asthma who is coughing so much that it makes him throw up should be given this remedy.
Kali Carbonicum:
A person who is feeling weak and has high anxiety, whose asthma is the worst around 3 am and who also is irritated by dust or central heating, would be given this remedy.
Pothos foetida:
This remedy responds to symptoms of aggravated asthma due to exposure to dust. Another symptom that indicates using this remedy to be appropriate is that the asthma seems to get better of bowel movement.
This remedy is used for a person who is tall with a narrow chest and has a cough and breathing is wheezy. This person is always nervous and needs to know that everything is going to be fine.
This remedy is for children. Their asthmatic symptoms would be a cough with a dry barking sound to it and this cough will be worst in the beginning of the night. The asthma we seem to get better when the child sits up or leans forward and also when warm drinks or food are consumed.
Taking Remedies for Asthma and the Dosage:
Once a remedy is found that matches the symptoms that are being experienced, a dosage is determined. The above remedies come in bottles which have dosage instructions on the label. The dosage will read something like 6c, 12c, 12x, 30x or 30c. The bottle will explain how much to take of the remedy. Each remedy is different and will have different instructions
Generally, a homeopathic physician will give one dose and then wait to see if there is any change. If there is no change, then another dose is given. If after taking one dose the asthma begins to subside, another dose will not be given. The remedy will continue to work from the first dose. If after two or three doses there is no change, then another remedy will be tried. If a remedy causes improvement and only one dose is taken, after a while the effects of the remedy will wear off and another dose will be given.The amount of dosages and times a day to be given vary on the remedy, the person and the illness. Some dosages are given many times a day upon the hour and some are given simply once a day
Although home administration is very common and over dosage is rare, caution must still be taken as overdose is possible. Homeopathy can be can used at home without a physician but speaking to a homeopathic physician, at least initially, about asthma and its remedies is advised.