Homeopathy Vs. Allopathy
Most practitioners of allopathic medicine attempt to treatment an illness by targeting the part of the body affected. They identify the causative agent of the illness, such as a virus or bacteria and treat it. Homeopathic doctors believe that emotional and psychological stress causes the body to become more susceptible to disease and attempt to cure these breaches in the immune system. While allopathic doctors treat only the sickness, homeopathic doctors adhere to an order that is holistic.
Allopathic doctors rely heavily on medicines manufactured by pharmaceutical companies. These medicines are strongly based on biological chemistry and most are man-made. Homeopathic doctors use natural cures such as herbs and tonics. Allopathic doctors tend to be more aggressive in their use of medicine. Homeopathic doctors believe that only one dose of medicine is enough to cure the disease and that overdosing on medication causes further sicknesses. They are also proponents for the smallest dosage needed.
Allopathic doctors that surgery is required for serious conditions. By removing the causative agent, such as a tumor, from the body, the disease will be cured. Homeopathic doctors almost never engage in surgery unless the tissue has undergone irrevocable changes or it is a congenital defect attacking the patient.
Allopathic medicine is based on the principles of the ancient Greeks such as Hippocrates. Homeopathy is based on the beliefs of German physician Samuel Hahnemann. Homeopaths believed that allopaths practiced medicine based on opposite results, rather than taking a holistic approach. In the 19th century, the word allopathic was a disparaging term. Some people still prefer the term "conventional" over allopathic. In the United States, it is also known as "regular" medicine.
Both schools of thought believe the other is not beneficial to patients. Those who believe in homeopathy think the use of drugs to cure disease doesn't really fix the problem in the patient and that pharmaceutical medicine actually makes people sicker. Allopathic doctors believe that the medicines employed by homeopaths have no effect outside of a placebo. They also point to numerous clinical studies that produced results claiming homeopathy does nothing to help sick people.