Natural Remedies for Mitral Valve Prolapse
Lifestyle Changes
Your lifestyle can have a big impact on the intensity and frequency of your symptoms. Stress should be avoided as much as possible; learn coping mechanisms for unavoidable stressful situations. Yoga is an effective method for focusing your mind and balancing the energies in your body. T'ai chi, sometimes referred to as "meditation in motion", is another.
Caffeine and sugar can overstimulate you if taken in excess, so limit the amount of each that you ingest. Likewise with alcohol and tobacco. Salt intake should not be limited, however, unless your doctor has ordered it. More salt in your diet may prevent symptoms.
Speak to your doctor about initiating an exercise program appropriate for your age and medical condition. Regular exercise can go a long way toward keeping your body in tune.
Vitamin and Mineral Therapy
Magnesium deficiency can cause abnormal heart rhythms. You should schedule an appointment with your doctor to discuss whether magnesium supplements could help relieve or eliminate your symptoms. Likewise with L-carnitine, although carnitine deficiency is rare. However, it does occur. Your doctor is your best guide.
Omega-3 fatty acids, contained in fish and fish oil capsules, may also reduce the frequency of your heart arrythmias. Check with your doctor first, though, if you have a history of ventricular tachycardia or ventricular fibrillation. In those circumstances, Omega-3s may do more harm than good.
Bach Flower Remedies
In the 1930s Edward Bach, a British doctor, discovered wild flower remedies that he believed would strengthen the body's natural ability to heal itself by restoring the patient's emotional balance. Each flower essence addresses a specific emotional state. Rescue Remedy, Bach's composite essence formula, is targeted toward helping mitigate the effects of daily stressors. As noted above, stress reduction is essential to controlling mitral valve prolapse symptoms.
Reiki, loosely translated as meaning "universal life energy," is an energy healing method that can help your body release tension and stress. The Reiki practitioner channels this energy through her hands into the client in massage-like strokes, bringing relaxation and peace and the release of stored negative energy.
Managing mitral valve prolapse is mainly about balancing body and mind and managing the stressors in your life. Proper nutrition and coping mechanisms, together with prescription drug therapy when necessary, can help keep your symptoms in check.