Homeopathic Remedies for Snoring
Sleeping Position
Simple things such as sleeping on your side instead of your back may stop your snoring. When you lie on your back, gravity pulls your tongue back. It can get in the way of normal breathing while you sleep. To avoid this, sleep on your side or stomach. To help you stay on your side, put something hard in a resealable plastic bag, such as a tennis ball, and use a safety pin to attach it to the back of your shirt. When you roll onto your back, you'll dislike the feeling and turn back on your side or stomach.
Choose a firm mattress. Firm mattresses give better support to your neck. Supporting the neck is a good way to prevent your airways from being obstructed. Your head is aligned better, which means the top of your windpipe is not bent as much as if you were on a soft or sagging mattress.
Losing weight is an excellent way to help eliminate snoring. With less fat around the airways, breathing will be easier as you sleep. When your airway is open as wide as possible, snoring can be avoided.
Peppermint Oil
Gently rub peppermint oil into the lower part of each side of your nose (see Resources). Peppermint is said to have an anti-inflammatory effect. The peppermint will improve your breathing by reducing swelling in the membranes in the lining of the nostrils.
Other Options
Other homeopathic remedies to help stop snoring include eliminating alcohol or coffee before bed, exercising (but not close to bedtime), quitting smoking and eating yogurt every day.