Is Homeopathic Medicine Safe to Use When Pregnant?
Colchium is safe and beneficial for pregnant women with severe morning sickness. Specifically, colchicum will sooth nausea caused by strong food smells.
Tabacum is used by homeopathic practicioners to treat nausea that is accompanied with symptoms of fatigue, cold tremors and violent vomiting. According to ABC Homeopathy, tabacum is also beneficial for constipation, a common side effect of prenatal vitamins.
Red Raspberry Leaf
According to, red raspberry leaf tea is a uterine tonic used to strengthen the uterus and prepare the body for efficient labor. However, other sources such as do not recommend that women use red raspberry leaf tea until the second trimester.
Evening Primrose
In addition to red raspberry leaf tea, states that evening primrose is also used as a uterus tonic. However, evening primrose oil can also be used to initiate contractions as well as prepare the cervix for labor.
Ipecacuanha is a homeopathic remedy that is often used to treat excess salivation as well as motion sickness. It is also associated with the treatment of pain and nausea that may result from miscarriage.
Black Cohosh and Saw Palmetto
BlackCohosh and Saw Palmetto are both common homeopathic remedies. However, both are considered to be abortificants and therefore should not be used during pregnancy.