Home Remedy for Smile Wrinkles
The aging process causes the skin to sag because of lack of moisture. Moisturizers do not do enough to prevent this sagging of the skin. Internal moisturizing is also important, and that is why drinking 8 to 10 glasses of water each and every day is highly recommended.
Some commonly used home remedies include coconut massage that is applied on the face and throat before sleeping every night. Another remedy is applying the juicy part of a pineapple on the face and then rinsing it off 10 to 15 minutes later. A tablespoon of honey combined with another tablespoon of carrot juice is also used as a home remedy for the removal of smile wrinkles.
Chewing gum for 15 to 20 minutes every day tightens the facial muscles, hence preventing possible wrinkles from appearing. Another anti-wrinkle ingredient is the combination of natural water and spinach. Water keeps the skin hydrated. Mashed banana mixed with pure olive oil can also be used to get rid of facial wrinkles. This mixture is applied to the face and left on for 15 to 20 minutes before being rinsed off with cold water.
Home remedy options for smile wrinkles are readily available and relatively cheap. Some of them are also relatively harmless since they are natural materials or natural extracts. Using home remedies is an effective way to remove the aging appearance on the face. They will leave the face looking supple and smooth, without your spending a fortune.
One of the misconceptions that people have about home wrinkle remedies is that these remedies actually help slow down the process of aging. However, the remedies help hide some signs of aging, such as wrinkles.
Risk Factors
Some of these home remedies can react with the skin and cause blisters or rashes. Never use a remedy if it seems not to resonate well with your skin.