How Long to Wait for a Homeopathic Remedy to Work
Significance of System Balance
Homeopathic remedies work to restore balance to the body's systems. This can't happen with a single dose of a homeopathic remedy, but it will occur for many within a short period of time. There is no set amount of time for a homeopathic remedy to work, either, because every illness, person and remedy is different.
Types of Remedies
Many homeopathic remedies work for similar illnesses and conditions. Individuals working with a homeopathic doctor will usually see positive results after the first recommended remedy. Individuals who don't respond to the first remedy will frequently respond to the second or third. However, a small percentage of people won't respond at all.
Improve the Liklihood of Success
It's important to improve your likelihood of success with homeopathy by avoiding anything that could interfere with treatment. For instance, coffee seems to interfere with many homoeopathic treatments and should be avoided for fastest response times and healing. Some homeopathic treatments may even be affected by drilling and dental work, so keep this in mind.
Consult a Certified Homeopath
Many individuals don't believe in homeopathy's ability to heal the body because it hasn't worked for them. However, many times individuals choose homeopathic remedies on their own with no knowledge of what they are choosing or how it relates to their symptoms. For the fastest results, and the best remedy, you should consult with a homeopath who can evaluate your condition, lifestyle and other personal information to recommend the best homeopathic remedy for your condition. If you use a homeopath, you should see positive results about half the time with the first remedy.
Don't Expect a Miracle
Just as with over-the-counter drugs and prescription drugs, homeopathic remedies are not miracle workers. Sometimes they work wonders, and other times they don't. Sometimes you may feel almost instantly better, and other times you won't. That doesn't mean that homeopathy doesn't work or that you shouldn't continue to use it. Just because a cold medicine doesn't cure your cold overnight doesn't mean you'll never take cold medicine again. It just means you might not take that particular brand. The is the same for homeopathy, too. If you don't see results within a few days, then talk with your certified homeopath about your results and if there is another remedy you can try.