Household Remedies for Puffy Eyes
According to Dr. Lawrence Gibson of the Mayo Clinic, mild puffiness of the eyelids in the morning is cosmetic and generally subsides over the course of the day. Several things might contribute to puffy eyelids, including heredity, fluid retention, medications and allergies, particularly if your eyes are also itchy and red. Age is also a factor, according to Dr. Bobby Buka, a dermatologist at Mount Sinai School of Medicine (in addition to puffiness, bluish circles are often noted under the eyes, as the subcutaneous tissue under the eye is lost).
If allergies are a possible culprit in producing puffy eyelids, it's better to see a doctor for a conclusive diagnosis, rather than treat perceived allergy symptoms with home remedies. Puffy lids caused by allergies can be reduced with daily use of over-the-counter or prescription allergy medications. Prescription eye drops can dramatically reduce symptoms of allergic conjunctivitis, including itching, red eyes and swelling of the lids.
Quick Relief
Temporary puffiness can be reduced by gently applying a cold compress to the eyes, such as a damp, cool washcloth or a bag of frozen peas wrapped in a towel. Homeopathic remedies include placing thin slices of cucumber or potato on the eyes, as well as damp, used teabags. According to Gibson, there has been some anecdotal evidence to suggest that applying a small amount of hemorrhoid cream reduces swelling, but there is no clinical research to support this claim. He also warns that use of such a topical might inflame or dry out the skin around the eye.
Lifestyle Changes
If puffy eyelids are an ongoing concern, sleeping with your head slightly elevated can reduce swelling. A wedge-shaped pillow is helpful for those who are used to sleeping on flat surfaces. Additionally, medical experts recommend cutting down on salt, increasing water intake and getting plenty of sleep.
Time for Concern
If puffiness in the eyelids is chronic and unresponsive to any treatment, a medical consultation is recommended, as swelling in the eyelids can a symptom of a serious health condition, particularly if edema is present in other areas of the body as well. Those with thyroid disorders, for example, are subject to thyroid eye disease (TED), which not only causes swelling in the lids, but compression behind the eye that can lead to vision loss and even blindness. Individuals with diabetes or kidney disorders may exhibit chronic swelling of the lids.