Homeopathic Remedies for Weakness
Homeopathy focuses on natural herbs and minerals to treat ailments and symptoms. Weakness is generally referred to as having lack of strength in one or more muscles or even a general feeling of lethargy and lack of energy. It could be causes by a number of things, including health conditions, sleep, hygiene, compromised immune system and stress.-
Ruta is an herb native to southern Europe. It is toxic in large doses, but in small doses it is used to treat many conditions accompanied by weakness or bruising.
Sepia is the ink from cuttlefish (a mollusk that is closely related to squid and octopus). It is used for treatment of apathy, mood instability and weakness.
Silica is a mineral that is seen in trace amounts in the human body. It is used for sweating, cold sensitivity and weakness.
Sprouted Green Chana
Sprouted green chana helps replenish energy to the body.
Zinc helps with muscle aches and nervous weakness.