What Are Apple Cider Gout Treatments?
Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar can be used as taken orally or used as a topical treatment. Use only unfiltered and unpasteurized apple cider vinegar as a treatment for gout. The best source for finding unprocessed apple cider vinegar is your local health food store.
Oral Treatment
Three times per day, mix 2 tbsp. of apple cider vinegar in 6 to 8 oz. of water and drink. Once the pain subsides, many gout patients continue a maintenance program of at least one glass of this solution per day. If you find the taste is too acidic, add sweeteners like honey, molasses, maple syrup or stevia to taste.
Topical Treatments
To prepare a soaking solution, combine one part apple cider vinegar with two parts warm water in a basin large enough to soak the affected area. Soak for 15 minutes three times per day.
To prepare a compress, soak a soft cloth in apple cider vinegar and then apply it directly to the painful area on an as-needed basis.
Gout in History and Literature
History is laced with famous people who were plagued by gout, and gout is the single most referenced medical condition in literature. Often called the Rich Man's Disease because rich food and drink were thought to trigger an attack, gout sufferers include King Henry VIII, Thomas Jefferson, Karl Marx and Hollywood actor Jared Leto.
Gout is a disease that can be treated, but it cannot be cured. Although apple cider vinegar treatments and other alternative treatments have been reported to relieve the pain associated with gout, it is important to consult your doctor. Learn what foods and beverages can trigger an attack and re-tool your diet accordingly.