How to Become a Homeopathic Doctor
Research the legal requirements for Homeopathic Doctors in the state you plan to practice in by contacting the State Medical Board and/or the Board of Education. Typically, only licensed physicians can practice homeopathy. Some states will recognize degrees in Naturopathic Medicine, while others allow lay practitioners.
Research schools that meet your state's education requirements and which are accredited by the Council on Homeopathic Education (CHE). Get started with the list below in the Resources section to find one near you.
Contact the schools you are interested in and request information on admission requirements, the curriculum, and cost.
Review the curriculum of the schools you are considering and evaluate it against your goals. The curriculum should cover classical homeopathy, but may also offer coursework in combined remedies or floral essences.
Investigate the reputation of your top school choices by speaking to students and faculty, and looking for independent reviews. Also, check with homeopathic professional organizations to assess the reputation of the schools you are considering. (See Resources for link.)
Verify the accreditation of any school you are considering by asking the school for their accreditation information and verifying it with the appropriate authorities. There's usually an accreditation number or other reference specific to the school that proves accreditation. (See Resources for link.)
Study current legislation on becoming a Homeopathic Doctor to ensure that homeopathic education requirements won't be changed midstream. This information can be found via professional organizations for homeopaths.
Review your finances and determine how you will fund your homeopathic education.