Homeopathic Medicine for Skin
Homeopathic remedies for acne on the skin include minerals such as silica and sulphur and plants such as belladonna to reduce flare ups and heal skin.
Eczema is a chronic skin irritation with dry and peeling skin which may be helped by homeopathic treatments including Arsenicum album, which is a form of arsenic, petroleum and sulphur.
Canker sores
Canker sores are blisters around and inside the mouth and lips, and are treated by homeopathic remedies such as graphites, petroleum and dulcamara.
Hives are round, itchy swellings of the skin caused by an allergic reaction and may be treated with apis mellifica and urtica urens.
Psoriasis is a chronic inflammation of the skin that can be treated with homeopathic medicine including sepia and mercurius solubilis.
Homeopathic remedies including belladonna, graphites, sepia and sulphur are used to treat rashes from allergic reactions or viral infections.
Mercurius solubilis is mercury, which can be toxic to the human body if ingested and may require removal by hazardous materials experts if spilled and contaminating an area.