Homeopathic Hormone Replacement
The following homeopathic remedies treat discomforts of menopause: hot flashes and night sweats for sulphur, ignatia, Lachesis Mutus (if hot flashes seem to originate at top of the head), pulsatilla (occurs more indoors and leaves you chilled) and ferrum metallicum (sudden hot flashes and exhaustion). Refer to the Resources for a greater list. Also remember to use only one remedy at a time.
Depression and Irritability
For mental and physical restlessness, general lack of interest, sleeplessness, reoccurring thoughts of suicide and feelings of being unloved, there is a list of remedies to consider. A few of these include aconitum napellus, arum metallicum, belladonna, chamomilla, gelsemium sempervirens and ignatia amara. Please refer to the Resources for a more comprehensive list.
Anxiety and Emotions
When your emotions seem to be out of your control and you cannot relieve that sense of anxiousness, the following homeopathic remedies will help (remember to take only one at a time for the greatest effectiveness). Arsenica album, chamomilla, pulsatilla and stramomium are each beneficial for anger and excitability.
Night Sweats and Insomnia
The homeopathic remedies listed in this section will help with other complications as well as the general issue of night sweats and insomnia. These include but are not limited to nux vomica, sulphur, populus tremuloides, salvia, lachesis and sepia.
Homeopathy is a safe and effective way of treating and curing disease. Each remedy is created to care for specific complaints and assist the body in correcting the condition. Following specific directions for each of these remedies and others you may choose will ensure the remedy works. Generally, use involves placing five to six under the tongue to dissolve. Do not drink anything other than water and do not use the remedies shortly after or before eating. A good wait time is 15 to 20 minutes before and after using the remedy.