Homeopathic Medicine for Gout
Use Arnica when the pain resembles a bruise feeling and it hurts to walk. Arnica is manufactured in creams, gels, pills and tinctures. You can use pills and cream or gel together; the gel or cream may offer faster relief.
The use of belladonna as a homeopathic medicine for gout is called for when the swelling and pain are sudden, accompanied with throbbing and heat and is intense. Belladonna is most popular in pill form--follow dosage instructions.
Calcarea fluorica
Calcarea fluorica can be used when the finger joints, knees and toes are enlarged. Other symptoms it may help include stabbing pain.
Rhus toxicodendron
When the joints are painful, hot, stiff and swollen, use of this homeopathic medicine for gout is an option. Rhus toxicodendron may be used as a single remedy in pill form. This remedy is also common in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis.
Sulphur may alleviate a burning feeling in the feet, itchy and painful joints, and any problem aggravated by heat. Sulphur is produced in tabs and at various strengths.
More Remedies
This is not an inclusive list--for instance, Washington Homeopathic Products manufactures several medicines for gout. A few of its products include abrotanum, ammonium benzoicum, and ammonium phosphoricum in liquid and tab forms. See the resources for further information.