Home Remedy for Psoriasis on the Scalp
Depending on the area of the affected area on the scalp, lying back in a warm bath may help. Otherwise, dampen the hair and wrap with a warm towel.
Forget the Sun Hat
Apply sunscreen to non affected areas of the face and neck, and let the ultraviolet rays of the sun heal your scalp for short periods of time, being careful to avoid sunburn.
Coal Tar Shampoo
Over the counter or by prescription, coal tar shampoos may be messy and leave a stain, but can relieve symptoms.
Get Rid of the Itch
Rinse your hair with a solution of cool water and apple cider vinegar.
A Plastic Night Cap
Sleeping with your scalp covered by a bathing cap or shower cap can clear up small areas of psoriasis on the scalp.
Psoriasis can get worse if you are under added stress.