Homeopathy for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
What Causes Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?
Swelling is your biggest enemy with carpal tunnel syndrome. Your wrists hurt and the pain radiates up your arm and down through your hand. The pain is caused by a swollen nerve inside the bones that form a 'tunnel' for the median nerve that runs from your fingers up your arm.
Relief From Ice
Use intermittent ice therapy to relieve the swelling of the median nerve. Put an ice pack on your wrist for 15 minutes at a time. Wrap it with an elastic bandage if you need to move around but still want to keep the ice pack in place.
Keep It In Place
Your median nerve swells up from being used in a repetitive motion. Relieve the pressure by bracing your wrist with a special wrist brace at any time you need to perform a function that you know brings on carpal tunnel attacks.
Avoid Overuse
If at all possible, avoid doing the things that will bring on a painful attack. Typing and writing are the most common causes of carpal tunnel flair up.
Nighttime Protection
Use a wrist brace while you sleep to keep your wrist immobilized. When you sleep the nerves relax and may swell more. Apply ice underneath the wrist brace to further calm the swelling and pain so that you get some sleep.