How to Quit Smoking With Homeopathy
If you have tried to quit smoking before, you know how difficult it can be: you are afraid of gaining weight or "crashing" at work without your nicotine fix. Try using homeopathic remedies instead. Work with a licensed homeopathic professional to help you. Using Nux Vomica and Lobelia Inflata can help you kick the habit. Homeopathy is the science created by Samuel Hahnemann, a German physician. By using plants, herbs and sometimes parts of animals to create micro-dilutions of them into tinctures, he learned he could reduce or eliminate many common ailments such as headaches, constipation and other issues.Things You'll Need
- Nux Vomica homeopathic remedy Lobelia Inflata homeopathic remedy
Purchase Nux Vomica and Lobelia Inflata homeopathic remedies at a health food store, homeopathic pharmacy or online. If there is a homeopath, seek her advice on the correct dosage. If you are on your own, select the smallest dosage or look for the brands that sell "quit smoking" homeopathic kits. These are easily found on the Internet (see Resources).
Consume the smallest dosage unless directed otherwise by your homeopath. This usually means taking 1 to 3 pellets under the tongue until they dissolve. If you are taking the tincture, take an equal amount of drops under the tongue. If the taste is too strong, dilute the tincture in plain water and drink.
Remember caffeine in all its forms: coffee, coke, coffee candies--as well as green or other caffeinated teas--prevent all homeopathic remedies from working. This is because consuming any caffeine will antidote and stop the homeopathic remedy from working.
Refrain from consuming or using any mint foods or products. This includes mint teas, chewing gums or candy or breath mints as well as mint-flavored mouth wash, toothpaste or dental floss. Also avoid other health and beauty products such as shampoos or hair conditioners or gels containing mint. Mint in any form will also stop the action of homeopathic remedies.
Toss out any remaining cigarettes you have at home and work---including all the secret stashes. Ask your family and friends to not enable you by giving you any cigarettes---no matter what. Do not keep the company of heavy smokers---it will only tempt you.
Record how you feel for 30 days in a hard copy notebook or in an electronic journal to track your progress.