How to use Herbs to Cleanse the Liver

The human liver is the largest part of the body other than our skin. The liver organ performs more than 500 different functions necessary for sustaining life. The liver functions help the body to digest fats, storing nutrients, filtering poisons and wastes from the blood, regulating the levels of many chemicals found in the bloodstream. But if the liver is damaged repeatedly over a long period of time, this damage may not be repairable. Thus it is very important to maintain liver health.


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      The human liver can really take a beating. Alcohol, illegal drugs, air pollutants, medicine, a poor diet are some of the things that can hinder liver healty. There are several natural products that can aid in the cleansing, repair an support of the liver.

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      Treating Hepatitis. There is a epidemic of Hepatitis A, B, and C. The pharmaceutical companies have been doing testing on therapeutic strength milk thistle to determine milk thistles benefits in cleansing toxins and strengthening the liver.

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      Dandelion root: Dandelion root increases bile flow from the liver. It can be taken in the form of a capsule, a tincture, or grow your own and drink it as a daily tea for increased liver health.

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      Green tea: Green tea protects and cleanses the human liver from toxin damage, especially though alcohol consumption. I also helps with tumors of the liver.

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      Milk thistle seed strengthens liver cells and stimulates bile production.

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      Turmeric root: Turmeric help with inflammation of the liver. It acts as an anti-inflammatory herb that elevates enzymes that help detoxify and cleansing liver toxins.

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