How to Use Arnica Montana for Muscle Soreness and Minor Sprains
Homeopathic remedies are microdilutions of extracts from plants, flowers, herbs and some part of animals. Homeopathic remedies are available as alcohol-based tinctures and as sweetened pellets.
Arnica is made from fresh or dried flower heads of the plant which grows one to two feet and has yellow-orange petals similar to daisies. Learn more to see if Arnica Montana is appropriate for you and your family to use.
Things You'll Need
- Arnica Montana homeopathic remedy
Determine if you have only a minor sprain or minor muscle soreness. If you have any sharp pain or limited range of motion in any limbs, see your doctor. Arnica Montana works best when immediately applied to the joint or muscles that feel bruised or sprained. This remedy is especially good for tendon injuries and upper back muscle soreness from overexertion.
Observe if your child's knee is swelling or has started to show discoloration from bruising. Ice the area and apply Arnica Montana.
If the child is able, give her Arnica Montana in pellet form under her tongue and instruct her to let them dissolve and not chew them. (Read the labels on the pellet forms as different strengths have different dosages.) -
Apply Arnica Montana gel or ointment as needed, even two or three times a day, such as in the morning, mid-day and at night after a shower and icing the bruise or sprain.
Pack the gel and pellet form of Arnica Montana if you are a biker or going camping with your family. It is indispensable as a muscle tonic and can be applied after an insect bite to reduce swelling.
Use Arnica also in any event of sudden emotional trauma, such as receiving bad news of financial loss or other, sudden distressing news. When taking the pellet form, do not consume coffee or coffee products or mint (including toothpaste, chewing gum or soap). Coffee and mint will block the effects of any homeopathic remedy.
Observe if your sprain or soreness is improving after several days. If you have a sprain and it is not noticeably better in five to seven days, see your doctor.