How to Use Sepia Homeopathy Remedy
Note your exact symptoms. Sepia has been used with success for the relief of certain types of headaches and chronic sinus conditions. Sepia has also been used to help alleviate severe constipation and arthritis in the legs.
Start with the lowest dosage. All homeopathic remedies are available in alcohol-based tinctures and also as sweetened pellets. Both are taken sublingually, meaning under the tongue. This allows the remedy to be absorbed more readily into the bloodstream.
Follow the specific dosage directions for the strength you purchase. Available at health food stores and homeopathic pharmacies, sepia comes in different strengths: begin with the most mild.
Track your progress in a notebook. Some homeopathic remedies have an immediate effect on your health condition, and other remedies may take several months to prompt a physical or emotional change for the better.
Abstain from smoking, drinking coffee, consuming mint foods and using mint-flavored products (such as toothpaste and dental floss). All of these work against the efficacy of any homeopathic remedy.