How to Use Ignatia Mara Homeopathic Remedy

Homeopathy utilizes microextracts made from plants, flowers, herbs and animals in very diluted alcohol-based tinctures or pellets that are taken under the tongue. The extracts take time to work but can help alleviate health issues ranging from depression, anxiety, sadness or obsessive behaviors.Ignatia Mara is one remedy that every household could benefit from. It is often recommended by licensed homeopaths for use when a person is grieving over a death of family, friend or pet, or in times of a relationship breakup.


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      Begin by assessing how you really feel. If you find that you are depressed or have a nervous personality and are grieving over a loss, Ignatia Mara may be appropriate remedy. Other symptoms that may be alleviated by Ignatia Mara include feelings of loneliness, sadness or claustrophia.

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      Use Ignatia Mara when you are experiencing sorrow, shock, stress or disappointment. This remedy is effective for helping people handle grief more effectively.

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      Use Ignatia Mara for insomnia or even deep depression. If you are unable to sleep, take this remedy as prescribed on the bottle. There are different strengths of each homeopathic remedy. As these remedies are sold in health food stores, they are usually featured with a resource manual to allow you to read about each remedy before purchasing one. There are no side effects to homeopathy; it may only not "work" if you are not taking the correct remedy for your health issue.

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      Keep a journal to track what homeopathic remedies you are taking and how you feel. In some cases, it may take several weeks for a homeopathic remedy to have effect and at other times, the effect is immediate.

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      Abstain from drinking coffee. Doing so will stop any health benefits from homeopathic remedies. This is true for any coffee foods, including coffee ice cream or coffee candies that are made from coffee beans.

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