What is fibuloplasty?
Fibuloplasty is a surgical procedure to realign the fibula, one of the two long bones in the lower leg. It improves the alignment of the fibula and the ankle, and helps reduce pain and discomfort caused by malalignment or damage to the fibula.
Fibuloplasty may involve various techniques:
- Lateral ankle reconstruction: This procedure realigns the fibula when there is abnormal bone growth or damage to the lateral (outer) side of the ankle. The fibula is repositioned and secured with screws or plates to stabilize the ankle joint.
- Distal fibulectomy: A surgeon removes a portion of the fibula, typically near the ankle, to relieve pressure on the surrounding tissues and improve ankle flexibility and range of motion.
- Osteotomy: In cases where the fibula is deformed or misaligned, an osteotomy is performed to cut and realign the fibula. This helps correct the alignment of the bone and ankle.
- Tendon transfer or reconstruction: If tendons around the ankle are damaged due to fibula malalignment, tendon transfers or reconstructions may be necessary. This helps restore normal function and stability to the ankle joint.
Fibuloplasty is usually performed under general or regional anesthesia as an outpatient procedure. Recovery involves wearing a cast or brace to support and protect the ankle. Physical therapy is often recommended to restore strength, flexibility, and normal movement to the ankle.
Fibuloplasty can provide pain relief and improved function for individuals with ankle pain and instability caused by fibula malalignment or damage.