How do I Compare Homeopathic Potencies?
Compare homeopathic dilution rates. The process begins by creating a mother tincture. The mother tincture is a mix of the base substance (plant or animal extract, ground mineral and others) and a 180 proof pure alcohol and distilled water mix. In X potencies, nine drops of the 70 percent alcohol mix are added to one drop of mother tincture. The mix is violently shaken and pounded (succussed) 10 times. In C potencies, ninety-nine drops of the 70 percent alcohol mix are added to one drop of mother tincture. The mix is succussed 100 times. A C potency will be more diluted than an X potency.
Compare the potency rates. The potency rate is determined by how many times dilution process occurs. Each time one drop of mother tincture is diluted and succussed, the potency rises by one. If you dilute and succuss the mother tincture 6 times at an X dilution rate, the potency is 6X. The same potency rules follow with C dilutions. The most commonly available potencies for single remedies are 6x, 12x, 30x, 6C, 12C and 30C. A few stores may carry 200C potencies for a very small number of remedies. Acute conditions respond best to 6 and 12 potencies. Chronic conditions respond best to potencies that are 30 and above. 200C potencies are for those symptoms that begin with an accident or come on very suddenly. Higher potencies should be reserved for situations when you are absolutely sure the remedy is the correct one.
Check the ingredient list. Some contain combination remedies, which are less potent than single remedies. Additionally, homeopathic combination remedies use some of the lowest potencies available and may contain mixed potencies. When a homeopath recommends a remedy, it is based on the complete symptom picture of the patient. This includes physical symptoms, what makes the symptoms better or worse and even the emotional state of the individual. The potency is determined by how quickly the condition appeared, whether it is chronic or acute and how closely the remedy matches all major symptoms.