Bach Flower Remedies for Low Self-Esteem
Larch is a flower remedy used to help patients who lack self-esteem and anticipate failure. Bach claims that the larch should be used for those who feel inferior and fear that they will never be a success. According to him, for people who never make a strong enough effort to achieve anything in their lives, taking the remedy may teach determination and self-confidence.
Rock Rose
Rock rose is another remedy that may help with self-esteem problems. People with low self-esteem are often fearful and experience panic based on their experience with past events. According to Bach, these past events may include serious illness or injury that has caused the patient's emotional weakness. Rock rose may bring the user calm and confidence. Bach recommends that if the patient is unconscious, this remedy can be used to moisten the lips.
A person with low self-esteem does not typically trust in his own decision-making power. According to Bach, cerato should be given to individuals who are always in self-doubt and who trust bad advice over common sense. This remedy may help a person to believe in his inner guidance and to be more confident and certain about his life.
People with low self-esteem may worry about their own abilities to get through the workday. They feel a constant burden and even if they have accomplished a task before, they are worried that they will never complete it the next time they have to do it. This constant worry and mental weariness can lead to lethargy and procrastination. Hornbeam may increase strength, enthusiasm and energy to help a person to improve her self-confidence.