Passiflora Incarnata Homeopathy
Main Uses
Passiflora incarnata, primarily renowned for its ability to dissuade sleep disorders and regulate sleep cycles, especially benefits patients suffering from insomnia. Passiflora works to curb long-term anxiety, restlessness, physical exhaustion and mental fatigue that often accompany or contribute to insomnia.
Secondary Benefits
The herb also calms the body's central nervous system, which promotes healthy brain activity. It combats stresses that may lead to delirium, spastic conditions like trismus and chorea, and episodic convulsions. Passiflora positively influences the respiratory system as well, efficiently mitigating bronchial-related ailments like whooping cough and asthma.
Patients living with chronic indigestion may benefit from Passiflora incarnata extract; the remedy, which governs digestive issues, can help prevent flatulence and diarrhea. Individuals who need Passiflora incarnata often feel worse directly following a meal, when they experience severe lethargy, general fatigue and heaviness throughout the body.
The typical Passiflora patient tends to possess a clean tongue (not white or fuzzy), work excessively, worry constantly and exhibit hysterical tendencies. Noise aggravates symptoms, which improve with peace and quiet. Addiction remains common among those who need Passiflora; addicts may use the herb to successfully reduce cravings for alcohol, nicotine and drugs.
Availability and Dosage
Specialty stores, online vendors and homeopathic physicians sell Passiflora incarnata as tablet, liquid tincture or powder. Four to five sub-lingual pellets or liquid drops, taken three to four times throughout the day, comprise a standard dose. Acute symptoms may necessitate additional doses.
For best results, consult a professional homeopathic physician before taking Passiflora incarnata. Homeopaths rely on detailed case histories, as well as intimate knowledge of a remedy's physical and emotional indications, to determine the correct solution. Physicians assess factors like persistent medical issues, patient's mental state, elimination habits, diet and location. While choosing an incorrect remedy should not cause harm, it will fail to successfully alleviate symptoms.
The National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine considers homeopathic remedies generally "safe and unlikely to cause severe adverse reactions." However, individual responses to Passiflora incarnata may vary. Some experience an initial, temporary flare-up of symptoms before the body begins to heal.