Essential Oils to Repel Mosquitoes
Oil of Lemon Eucalyptus
Lemon eucalyptus oil can make you invisible to mosquitoes. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, oil of lemon eucalyptus can be a very effective mosquito repellent. The things about humans that mosquitoes are attracted too are the carbon dioxide and lactic acid that we routinely exhale everyday. Mosquitoes smell these elements and are drawn to its source. When you apply lemon eucalyptus oil to your skin, it can cover the scent of your exhalations.
Soybean Oil
Tests on soybean oil have mixed results as to how long its repellent properties work. According to the Department of Agriculture, soybean oil can be an effective deterrent for mosquitoes. During tests conducted by the agency, there were mixed results as to the amount of time soybean oil remains effective. During one study, the time span for effectiveness was five to eight hours depending on which type of mosquitoes were biting. Another test however, concluded that its effectiveness was only about 1 1/2 hours.
Geraniol can be derived from geraniums as well as lemon grass. Geraniol, which can be extracted from lemon grass, geranium and/or citronella, has been shown in tests to be quite an effective repellent against mosquitoes as well as many other types of bugs. The University of Florida conducted tests on approximately 3,900 mixtures over a 15-year period, and geraniol proved to be among the most proficient in providing protection against mosquitoes.