Black Drawing Salve for Infection
Black ointment, an alternative method to draw infection out from under the skin, is used for boils, bites, stings and even warts. The mixture of herbs is very powerful; caution should be taken with use.
Time Frame
A very small dab is applied directly on top of the infected area only, and covered with a bandage. It must be kept dry and covered for three days.
Herbal Mixture The black salve should contain herbs such as comfrey leaf, golden seal root, plantain root, marshmallow root and many more. Be aware that a small indentation may appear in the place of the infected area.
You may feel a stinging on the skin or drawing when first applied. If drainage occurs, change the bandage but do not apply additional ointment.
Black drawing salve can be found in most herb markets or online. Only a few manufacturers, such as Nature Sunshine, make a product that actually works. The original formula is the best and can be made at home but will cost about $75.00 to do so.
Do not get salve on surrounding area. Check the warnings on the label; some may contain beeswax and many people are allergic to products from bees. Consult a dermatologist about any suspicious-looking areas on the skin before using this product.