Homeopathic Sunburn Remedies
Common Treatments
To prevent further exposure to UV radiation, cover skin that is open to the elements, and steer clear of the sun and the tanning bed. Medications such as ibuprofen, aspirin and naproxen are beneficial, especially when started right away. Apply a cool compress to relieve a painful sunburn; use diluted apple cider vinegar, cool tea bags or simply a cool cloth as a compress to treat a sunburn. Other options may include using aloe vera lotion, which helps cool and soothe the skin, or taking a cold bath. The over-the-counter medications, cool compress items and aloe vera lotion can be purchased at the drugstore or online.
Homeopathic Remedies
Choose a homeopathic remedy that best matches your symptoms. All of these homeopathic remedies are plant-derived homeopathic tinctures. Start with a lower dosage (6X -9C). If the lower potency doesn't work for you, then try a medium-potency dosage (9C-30C), or visit a homeopathic practitioner for specific dosing instructions, especially for higher potencies. You can also purchase homeopathic medicines online or in your local natural health store.
Cantharis is a useful homeopathic remedy for intense burning pain, sensitivity to touch, blisters, restlessness and uneasiness. Cantharis can be used for any burn, but it is most effective on the more severe second- or third-degree burns. Urtica urens can be used as an alternative homeopathic remedy if cantharis doesn't work for you. Take orally for swelling associated with first-degree burns, stinging pains and itching, or apply a gel or cream for sunburns and first-degree (minor) burns.
Causticum may provide relief if you are experiencing a very painful burn accompanied by blister formation. Soreness is more prevalent than restlessness with this type of pain. The injured area is generally sore to the touch. Use causticum to help heal older burns.
Arnica is another valuable homeopathic remedy that helps lessen pain and swelling associated with sunburn. This remedy is also beneficial for the prevention of shock after a serious burn or injury.
To encourage tissue healing and to soothe any type of burn, use tinctures of calendula and hypericum. Mix 10 drops of either hypericum or calendula tincture with one ounce of water; apply to the sunburned area three times daily. Calendula can also be used in pellet form; dissolve the pellets in water and apply to the blistered area.
For minor burns; take 30c of apis melifica every three hours. Take 30c of glonoine on an hourly basis for heat-related effects of the sun, such as nausea, headache, vomiting, and high fever. Drink plenty water and stay in a cool location.
Visit Your Doctor
Visit your doctor before taking any homeopathic medicines, as some alternative therapies may interact with over-the-counter and prescription medications. Pregnant and nursing women should also seek medical advice before taking homeopathic medicines.