Homeopathic Remedy for Achilles Tendonitis
Obtain a Firm Diagnosis
Anyone who is suffering from an injured limb should schedule a visit to an orthopedic surgeon to obtain a definite diagnosis. If Achilles tendonitis is actually the diagnosis, early care is urgent because continued strain on the tendon could damage it further. It is also important to know which type of tendonitis has been diagnosed. Achilles tendonitis can manifest as acute or chronic. Each affects different points of the tendon so a complete examination and diagnosis is important.
To find a qualified orthopedist or orthopedic surgeon, see the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons website (see link in References). This association lists orthopedic surgeons licensed by their state board of orthopedic surgery. Searches can be conducted by name or location.
Begin Treatment for Tendonitis
The first step in treating Achilles tendonitis is to follow the orthopedist's advice. Treatments are generally non-invasive and include resting the leg, applying cold compresses, using heal pads, taping the leg and doing gentle stretching exercises.
If these conservative treatments are unsuccessful at alleviating the pain of Achilles tendonitis, a consultation with a homeopathic practitioner about further treatment is in order.
Locate a Homeopathic Practitioner
Finding a good homeopathic practitioner who will be able to offer alternative treatment for Achilles tendonitis involves a bit of detective work. Homeopaths in the United States are listed on the database of the National Center of Homeopathy which can be referenced to find a qualified local homeopath (see link in References).
Word-of-mouth is another way to identify a good homeopath. Homeopathy is becoming increasingly popular. Asking around will often unearth friends and relatives who can provide references for a good qualified homeopath.
Many physicians believe that homeopathy compliments allopathic (conventional) medicine. Increasingly allopaths, including orthopedic surgeons, work in conjunction with homeopaths. It is a good idea to ask the attending orthopedic surgeon or family physician for their recommendations for a homeopathic practitioner as they may have experience in working with homeopaths.
Once a homeopathic practitioner has been located, interview him to find out if he has experience in treating Achilles tendonitis. It is best to try to find a homeopath with such experience.
Homeopathic Treatment
Homeopathic treatment for Achilles tendonitis has been shown to have significant success in alleviating pain and strengthening limbs. These remedies include ruta, arnica and Calcarea fluorica. Homeopathic treatment for Achilles tendonitis usually continue for about a month.