Homeopathic Remedies for Teeth
Homeopaths will often recommend the remedy Coffea when you are suffering from a toothache with pain that radiates downwards. Coffea is the appropriate remedy when you exhibit personality symptoms of an inability to relax, coupled with an over sensitivity to pain. Your physical symptoms will tend to improve when you place a cold compress on the affected area, and your symptoms will tend to worsen when you eat hot foods and if you're in a warm room.
For centuries Chamomilla has been used medicinally to treat many pain-related conditions, including labor pains and toothache pain. When tooth pain accompanies a fever, homeopaths may recommended Chamomilla. Chamomilla is the correct remedy when your personality traits include irritability, a tendency towards hostility, you are difficult to please and posses a low threshold for pain. Your physical symptoms will improve when you place a cold compress on the affected area, or by eating chilled foods, and symptoms tend to worsen when drinking or eating anything warm.
Natrum Muriaticum
A homeopath may prescribe the remedy Natrum muriaticum when you suffer from gingivitis and dental abscesses if you demonstrate personality traits of moodiness, tendency towards self-absorption and an inability to express your emotions. Natrum muriaticum is the appropriate remedy when your physical symptoms tend to improve when you are in fresh air, for instance, being outside, when you're avoiding food, or fasting. Symptoms will tend to worsen when you endure heat, if you are exposed to sea air and when you're under stress.
When a homeopath recommends Belladonna for toothache pain, it is frequently for tooth pain that can be described as throbbing and accompanies a high fever. Belladonna is the correct remedy for a toothache when you exhibit the personality traits of being physically fit, yet you don't cope well with being ill and you have a tendency towards violent outbursts. Your physical symptoms, namely pain, will improve when you are resting, and will generally worsen when you are touched, during the night and if you're in fresh air.
Mercurius Solubilis
A homeopath may recommend the remedy Mercurius solubilis when there is gingivitis present and teeth are aching and loose. Mercurius solubilis is the correct remedy for a toothache when you exhibit the personality traits of insecurity, a tendency to repress your emotions, particularly when conflict is involved, and you exude a detachment towards others. Your physical symptoms improve when resting or when applying a warm compress to the painful area, and they will tend to worsen when you drink either hot food or drinks, or when you are exposed to extremes of temperature.
Tips and Warnings
This information is not meant to be used as a replacement for professional medical advice; it is intended for informational purposes only.
Never self-prescribe; consult a licensed, professional homeopath for proper dosage and remedies.
If tooth pain lasts longer than 24 hours, or accompanies a high fever, seek the advice of your dentist.