Homeopathic Combination Remedies
The word homeopathy is derived from the Greek words homios and pathos, or similar suffering. The idea behind homeopathy in its purest form is that like produces like. In other words, medicines that produce a milder reaction similar to the illness can stimulate the body's defenses against that illness. Detractors of homeopathic compounds say that a compound isn't true homeopathic medicine because each medication used in the compound only treats a symptom, whereas the purpose of homeopathic medicine is to treat the root source of the illness. Additionally, homeopathic medicine is designed to offer small, highly potent doses of the medication used, whereas combinations are more designed with quantity in mind. Finally, most individual medications prescribed in homeopathic medicine were discovered through a proving trial in which a healthy person took the substance in small quantities to record the effects. Detractors of compounds say that there is no proving process for compounds and that there is no way to know how the compound medications react to one another.
Advantages and Disadvantages
For individuals looking for an over-the-counter remedy, homeopathic compounds provide a quick, easy source of medication without consulting a homeopathic physician. Compounds are popular because of the relative speed with which they work. According to manufacturers of homeopathic blends, the mixtures are tested to work synergistically with one another to provide effective relief. While a homeopathic physician may take a long time to make a diagnosis and a treatment may also take time to effect a cure of the underlying issue, compounds that blend proven remedies can offer a quick relief of symptoms. However, compound remedies also seem to be weaker in nature than a single remedy. Even manufacturers of homeopathic compounds provide disclaimers that state this.
Although there are a large number of homeopathic combinations available, here are a few specific examples: belladona, aconite (wolfsbane), chamomile, symphytum officinale (comfrey), calendula officinalis (marigold) and echinacea may all be compounded together as an anti-inflamitory drug. For arthritis, a combination may include picric acid, horse chestnuts, chlorine, silver, borax and bone marrow sarcode can help. To strengthen veins and improve the heart and circulation, try a combination of aconite, sunflower, foxglove, Saint-Ignatius' beans and cherry laurel.