Homeopathic Heart Medication
Within homeopathy, it is believed that many heart conditions are exacerbated by a person's negative thinking. By trying to change that thinking, heart issues should see an improvement.
Argentum Nitticum
Argentum nitticum is used to treat cardiovascular problems when a person is overly fearful and has strong nighttime chest pain. The treatment is given at a time when the body is most relaxed.
For general heart ailments, the use of crataegus is recommended.
Aurum Metallicum
Depressed people with a heart ailment are often given aurum metallicum as a remedy. This will lessen pain sensitivity.
Barites Carbonica
Barites carbonica is administered for a number of different heart ailments, including hypertension and palpitations.
Homeopathic medicines may have a reaction with medical prescriptions. Making sure you discuss these treatments with a specialist is recommended before trying them.