Homeopathic Alternatives to Vaccinations
More commonly known as whooping cough, this highly contagious disease is caused by exposure to Bordetella pertussis and is characterized by a distinctive cough producing a "whoop" sound as the patient gasps for breath. According to Issac Golden, Ph.D, D.Hom., N.D., B.Ec (Hon), the standard homeopathic prophylactic medicine is a nosode of pertussis known as pertussin, which may be given as early as 1 month of age.
Dorothy Shepherd, M.D., states that she has experienced success in preventing this disease in children with the weekly administration of diphtherinum, the diphtheria nosode, for a period of 4 to 6 weeks.
In a summary prepared by Mikhail E. W. Plettner, Ph.D., M.Sc., L.Ac., based on a protocol designed by Francisco X. Eizayaga, M.D, the homeopathic alternatives to vaccination recommended for this disease include a plant-derived remedy called Pulsatilla and the measles nosode, Morbillinum.
Small Pox
Small pox, caused by Variola major and Variola minor, may be prevented by the introduction of the appropriate nosode, which is Variolinum. Additional homeopathic approaches to preventing this disease include the administration of Hydrastis, which is derived from the herb goldenseal.
Also known as German measles or three-day measles, this disease is caused by the rubella virus. Conventional Western medicine incorporates three vaccines into a single injection referred to as simply MMR, which is intended to prevent measles caused by Morbillivirus, mumps and rubella. The homeopathic preparation to prevent infection with the rubella virus, specifically, is the rubella nosode. Sometimes, this nosode may be combined with pulsatilla.
Veterinary Applications
Many holistic veterinarians, such as Jeffrey Levy, D.V.M., P.C.H., do not recommend routine vaccinations in domestic animals due to a lack of effectiveness of certain vaccines and the potential to impair immunity against other diseases and infections. In fact, since vaccines are designed to trigger an immune response, overreactions may result in allergies and autoimmune disorders. It should be noted, though, that the law in most areas populated by humans mandates that cats and dogs be vaccinated against rabies. However, Lyssin, the rabies nosode, may be given as a homeopathic alternative to animals unable to tolerate the rabies vaccine due to poor health.