How to Use Self Hypnosis to Achieve Your Goals
Understand that hypnosis is a real medical practice that is approved by the American Medical Association. It can help you achieve many goals such as losing weight or quitting smoking.
Decide to make a serious commitment to change. If you aren't ready to truly change, hypnosis won't work for you.
Realize that it may take several sessions to achieve your goals. Some people expect rapid results and end up disappointed when it takes awhile to see results.
Buy a self hypnosis kit if you desire--it may help you learn how to hypnotize yourself easier. There are many different programs available, look into the program fully before you buy so you can ensure you get the program that's right for you.
Set the mood with candlelight and quiet music to help you relax. Sit in a comfortable chair, you can recline if you desire.
Relax and breathe deeply while focusing on your positive thought. For example if the goal you wish to achieve is to become better organized, the thought you focus on can be "I'm becoming organized".
Repeat the phrase in your head. Visualize the phrase as well as the end result.