What is hypoactive delirium?
Symptoms of hypoactive delirium may include:
* Reduced responsiveness to the environment
* Decreased psychomotor activity
* Decreased verbal output
* Difficulty concentrating
* Difficulty staying awake
* Withdrawn behavior
* Apathy
* Indifference
* Confusion
* Disorientation
* Memory impairment
* Hallucinations
* Delusions
Hypoactive delirium can be caused by a variety of factors, including:
* Medications
* Alcohol or drug abuse
* Infections
* Metabolic disorders
* Neurological conditions
* Psychiatric conditions
Treatment for hypoactive delirium typically involves:
* Identifying and treating the underlying cause
* Providing supportive care
* Medication to manage symptoms
Prognosis for hypoactive delirium depends on the underlying cause and the severity of the delirium. With prompt treatment, most cases of hypoactive delirium resolve within a few days or weeks. However, some cases may persist for longer or progress to a more severe form of delirium.