I am searching for a song that contains the lyrics -I hypnotized- and it is sang by woman?

"Hypnotize" by The Notorious B.I.G. feat. Puff Daddy, is performed by a male (The Notorious B.I.G.) and not a female. So it may not be the song you were looking for.

Other options containing the lyrics "-I hypnotized-" and sang by a female can be the following songs

1. Hypnotize" by System of a Down, feat. Shavo Odadjian, Serj Tankian, Daron Malakian (female voices are included in chorus):

_Hypnotize, (I, hypnotize)

Don't open your eyes_

2. "Hypnotize" is sung by a French rapper and singer Imen Es. _" I put your brain on hold, 'cause baby I hypnotize_ "

Is none of the above your choice, please provide additional lyrical context

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