Iridology for Beginners
Eye Types
There are three major eye types in irodology: brown-eye type, blue-eye type and mixed-eye type. Those considered to be the brown-eye type have completely brown eyes, and the iris is covered 100% by brown-colored fibers. If you are the brown-eye type, the iridology term is hematogenic. Those who are the blue-eye type have either pure blue eyes, or blue eyes with a background of white or gray. Blue-eyed types are lymphatic. Finally, mixed-eye types have a blue background with specks of brown and/or brown that does not have enough color fibers to completely cover the iris. Mixed eye types are called billiary.
According to the International Iridology Practitioners Association, brown-eye types are susceptible to blood imbalances and difficulty storing and metabolizing minerals (especially calcium). Brown-eye types are most likely to have health problems related to the circulatory system or blood-producing organs, such as the liver, bone marrow or spleen.
Unlike brown-eye types, blue -ye types are more susceptible to problems with the lungs, lymphatic system and kidneys. Blu- eyed types are urged to monitor mucous membranes, the lungs and components of the lungs, the lymph system (spleen, lymph nodes), the kidneys and the joints.
Finally, mixed-eye types are prone to liver and digestive problems.
Other Colorations
Often, flecks of other colors can be seen on the eye, distinct form the main eye color that classifies types. For example, yellow and orange are other colors that are seen in the eye. If yellow is observed in the whites of the eye, the color may indicate liver or gallbladder problems. If yellow is observed in the iris itself, the color may indicate problems with kidney function. Orange in the iris may indicate a problem metabolizing carbohydrates, high or low blood sugar, or liver and pancreatic weakness.
Rings in the Eyes
There are four major types of rings that can be identified in the eyes, regardless of eye color. These four rings also play a role in iridology. The four rings are the scruf rim (also known as the Ring of Purpose), the stress ring (also known as the Ring of Freedom), the lymphatic rosary (The Ring of Harmony) and the Lipid Ring (also known as the Ring of Determination).
The scurf ring is a dark ring surrounding the iris. Its presence can indicate that the skin is too thick, so toxins can't escape easily via sweat. It can also indicate kidney problems, or that the body is producing too much mucous. Finally, it could indicate a psychological "thick skin," suggesting that you are withdrawn or difficult to get emotionally close to.
Stress rings are present throughout the eye, like rings on a tree trunk. They can indicate muscle stress or mental stress.
The lymphatic rosary is a tiny ring around the outer iris. The cloud-like ring can indicate a problem with the lymphatic system, a buildup of mucus, sinus problems or kidney problems. Lymphatic rings may also appear on people who are too empathetic.
Finally, the lipid ring is a thick white ring that surrounds and obscures the outer edge of the iris. It can indicate cardiovascular problems, liver problems, thyroid problems, susceptibility to Parkinson's or diabetes. Mostly found in older patients, the lipid ring may also simply signify rigidity in temperament.