About Iridologists
The iridologist closely examines the natural shape of the pupil; patches and marks within the iris; and patterns called lacunae, collarettes, radials and other details within the actual color of the eye. Iridologists employ a detailed diagram of both the left and right eye that indicates which portion of the iris corresponds with which individual organ or tissue within the body. In addition to physiology, the eye is thought to give insights into the personality and behavior of the subject. Iridology is used only for diagnosis and provides no treatment.
Using the iris to detect illness and disease has roots that go back more than a thousand years to the ancient Chaldeans and has more modern uses in Chinese and Japanese medicine. Modern iridology began in the 18th century and came into practice in the U.S. around the turn of the 20th century. Iridology is not recognized as a legitimate medical approach by the current American medical establishment, but it is popular among many who use alternative approaches to medicine.
Iridology is thought to provide early diagnosis of specific illnesses that could not be detected any other way. Clinicians employ this noninvasive practice particularly due to its ability to provide insight into the body without drawing blood, taking biopsies or conducting exploratory surgery. Many view iridology as a useful tool employed as part of an exam. The clues provided by the iris can be examined in more detail with sophisticated diagnostic equipment.
There are two fundamentally different schools of iridology that grew out of a single philosophy. During World War II American iridologists were unable to gain access to the research done by German iridologists, causing the two approaches to grow apart. Consequently the focus and approach of the American and European forms of iridology are different. This is also a function of the political and philosophical approaches to medicine that differ dramatically between the U.S. and Europe.
Iridology is a very narrow field of study and does not qualify a practitioner to treat, diagnose or offer cures of any type. The laws regarding medical advice are very strict, and unless an iridologist has obtained a proper license he is allowed only to provide educational information. Those seeking the advice of an iridologist should be aware of the education, background and reputation of the provider and make a decision only after studying these and relevant medical criteria.