About Iridology Cameras
Iridology cameras are used to get a high resolution images of a person's iris, which is the colored portion of a human eye. Iridology cameras can capture images at a much higher resolution than ordinary cameras, making them extremely useful to the alternative medical technique of iridology, which examines portions of the iris with the belief that they hold clues and warning signs about the overall health of a person.
Iridology cameras can also be used to perform iris scans, which use the image of a person's iris in lieu of fingerprints to determine the identity of a person. Iridology cameras and iris scans play an important role in finding missing children.
Much like regular cameras, iridology cameras are available in film and digital varieties. Film iridology cameras are typically sold in 16 mm and 35 mm versions. Because of the high resolution nature of the these types of cameras, there is little difference between16 mm and 35 mm cameras other than the type of film they use. Cameras with similar features, particularly lens size and resolution capabilities produce comparable pictures regardless of film size.
Regardless of the type, all iridology cameras have similar features. These types of cameras typically do not have flashes because of the close range from which iris photographs are taken, and a flash could cause significant damage to the eye. Iridology cameras also have multiple lenses with different magnification levels to ensure the best picture. They also have a larger viewfinder than standard cameras to allow the photographer to see the full picture of the iris before it is taken.
Digital iridology cameras can be connected to computers, enabling immediate viewing of images without having to wait for printing. This also allows iris pictures to be stored on computer's drive, enabling backing up and preservation of images without the hassle of keeping film negatives.
Once images are downloaded to secure databases, law enforcement can use them to find missing children.
The use of iridology cameras has the potential to become even more widespread as police departments and child protection agencies use them to perform iris scans on children. Iris scans are becoming more popular than fingerprints in determining the identity of a children, since the images cannot be altered.
As for their place in the medical community, iridology cameras do not have widespread use because the practice of iridology is considered a pseudoscience, and so the cameras are not considered a valid diagnostic tool.