How to Reveal Inflammation Using Iridology
Things You'll Need
- Iridoscope
- Computer with Internet access
- Iridology chart
- Iridology camera
- Certification from the International Iridology Practitioners Association
Recognize Inflammation Using Iridology
Use an iridiscope to illuminate and magnify the iris for examination. If you can't get your hands on a professional iridoscope, a flashlight and a magnifying glass can work.
Take a picture of the iris using an iridology camera. This way, markings and colorations can be examined at length without continuing to shine a light in the patient's eyes.
Look for dark grey markings on the iris. This can reveal chronic inflammation, which might indicate cell deterioration.
Look for small white dots or lines. These may reveal severe inflammation. You should seek medical attention.
Compare the iris photos with an iridology chart to get a better idea of where problems might arise and what they might be. Keep in mind, though, that iridology doesn't reveal specific diseases, only possible problem areas.
Advise the patient to talk with a medical doctor about the problem areas and seek advice about what precautions to take against future problems. If you're the patient rather than the practitioner, make your own doctor's appointment accordingly.
Visit to learn more about using iridology to recognize inflammation (see Resources below).