How to Find Imbalances Using Iridology
Things You'll Need
- Iridoscope
- Computer with Internet access
- Iridology chart
- Iridology camera
- Certified Iridology Practitioner
Find Imbalances With an Iridology Examination
Magnify the iris for examination using an iridoscope.
Take a picture of the iris using an iridology camera. The best ones are digital. You can upload the iris picture onto a computer screen immediately for faster results.
Look for yellow, brown or reddish markings on the iris. These may indicate imbalances in the metabolism or blood circulation.
Look for an Archus or a Sodium ring around the edge of the iris. It might appear as a small circle that's whitish-gray. It's indicative of a slow metabolism, which may be the result of high cholesterol. Depending on where on the iris your find either an Archus or a Sodium ring, the mark may indicate imbalances in the heart, brain or digestive system.
Compare the iris pictures with a professional iridology chart to determine which sectors of the iris the markings fall into and what problems the markings may indicate. Be sure to employ the help of a certified iridology practitioner in reading the chart and drawing conclusions.
Use the results of the iridology examination to seek medical help when appropriate. If your reading reveals serious imbalances, a visit to your physician is in order.
Learn more about iridology and iridology examinations at the "Iridology Now" Web site (see Resources below).