What Is Molecula Silver?
How It Works
The effectiveness of Molecula Silver is based on the way viruses act in the bloodstream. Viruses attach themselves to cells before injecting harmful, incomplete DNA into an otherwise healthy blood cell. According to the proponents of Molecula Silver at A2Z Health products, the microscopic silver particles in this solution vibrate at a certain frequency, destroying bacteria and other foreign matter in the human bloodstream. These same particles allegedly have a unique magnetic charge, which attracts viruses and keeps them from reproducing.
Appearance and Taste
Molecula Silver is typically sold in plastic bottles of various sizes. Microscopic particles of silver are suspended in a colorless liquid solution. Molecula Silver leaves a faint metallic aftertaste.
A number of controversies surround the way Molecula Silver is marketed. The silver content alleged by vendors ranges from 10 parts per million (ppm) to 2000 ppm. Natural Immunogenics reported in 2004 that sample bottles it tested actually contained less than 1 ppm. Furthermore, the bottles were not marked with a lot number or expiration date, both of which are required by law.
According to Dr. Stephen Barrett, the ingestion of silver over long periods of time can lead to argyria, which leaves silver salt deposits in the skin, eyes and internal organs. This leads to a permanent dark discoloration of the skin. Proponents claim that Molecula Silver is an improvement over colloidal silver for this very reason, since the latter has been linked to argyria.
Even proponents of Molecula Silver admit that the product has a high nitrate content. According to a test conducted by Immunogenics, the nitrate content far exceeds the silver content in Molecula Silver. Overexposure to nitrates has been linked to carcinogenesis and fetal deformations. However, an article in Health Stream Literature contends that nitrates have positive effects, particularly on the health of the intestinal tract, and that these outweigh the negative effects.