What Negative Things Have Happened to People Wearing Magnetic Bracelets?
Side Effects
Increased body temperature has been reported by some users, but that has been attributed to the increased circulation of oxygenated blood. Mild dizziness is another side effect reported that has also been attributed to the increased blood flow. Some users have developed a rash where the bracelet was located. This could be due to the materials used in the bracelet, but there is no evidence to suggest that it is a result of the magnets. Also, nauseousness was reported by some users. The nauseousness subsided upon removal of the bracelet. There is no known reason for the nauseousness, but it could be a result of the dizziness caused by the increased blood flow.
Internal Pacemakers and Internal Defibrillators
People with internal pacemakers, or defibrillators, are at risk of serious medical repercussions if they choose to wear magnetic bracelets. The pacemaker's signals can be interrupted by magnetic bracelets. Should the pacemaker's signal be interrupted, an arrhythmia can quickly develop, which can lead to angina, heart attack, heart failure or stroke. With an internal defibrillator, the signals from the heart can be misinterpreted, resulting in defibrillation of an already beating heart, or no defibrillation when needed. It is important to understand the sensitive nature of pacemakers and defibrillators and keep them as far away from magnetic bracelets as possible.
Internal Insulin Pumps
The balance of insulin in a diabetic is difficult to control, and sometimes the precision of an internal insulin pump is required. Magnetic bracelets can disrupt the pump's measuring system or its delivery system. This disruption could cause the wearer to receive too low of an insulin dose or an overdose. The overdose may be caused by a large, improperly measured dose, or a series of small or regular doses administered within a short time period.
Pregnant Women
A pregnant woman's choices are very important for the health of her unborn child. Fetuses are delicate and susceptible to birth defects. Positive magnetic fields, also known as North pole magnetic fields, have been linked to cell growth. Fetal cells are growing and reproducing rapidly. Though not verified, there is concern that the North pole magnetic fields may create excessive cell growth in fetuses, resulting in birth defects and abnormalities. To avoid such complications, it is recommended that magnetic bracelets not be worn by pregnant women.
Chemotherapy and Radiation
The idea behind chemotherapy and radiation treatments is to kill cancer cells. The North pole magnetic fields found in some magnetic bracelets have been found to stimulate cell growth. It is logical, then, to assume that cancer patients should avoid wearing magnetic bracelets to ensure they are not stimulating new cancer cell growth. Some studies have suggested that a strong enough magnetic field can actually inhibit cancer cell growth, but such claims have not be sufficiently studied to prove their validity.
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