How to Lose Weight with Magnets
Consult with a certified acupuncturist or reflexology specialist about magnet therapy. He or she will be able to explain the technique to you and show you exactly where the magnets must be placed within the ear for maximum results.
Wear the magnets for up to an hour each day. Every day you will vary the points where you place the magnets, and since one ear may be more sensitive, the Ear Reflexology website recommends that both ears be used. The site also recommends not exceeding four points daily, so ideally you would use two points per ear per day.
Continue treatment for six weeks, then take a two-week break. Repeat the cycle of treatment until you reach your weight loss goal.
Commit to healthy eating and physical exercise. Do not rely on the magnets to magically cause your body to lose weight. Magnet therapy, or any alternative method to weight loss, works much better if you're eating right and exercising regularly. According to the American College of Sports Medicine, the recommendations for healthy adults under age 65 are to perform 30 minutes of moderate-intensity cardiovascular exercise five days a week, and strength training for all the major muscle groups twice a week.