The Effect of Magnetic Bed Pads
Advocates of magnetic therapy claim that it can relieve pain and stress, improve circulation, reverse degenerative diseases, heal broken bones and even cure cancer. The assertion about the effect of magnetic bed pads is that you will receive a deeper, more restorative night's sleep if you sleep on one.
Researchers have not yet proved the true effectiveness of magnetic therapy, but the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) does allow the following assertions about magnetic pads: it may reduce joint, bone and muscle pain, it improves circulation and it promotes relaxation.
Typically, a magnetic mattress pad is 2 to 4 inches thick with 50 to 200 square or circular magnets sewn into a resistant fabric. A magnetic pad may contain magnetic disks that are 1 inch in diameter and spaced about 2 ½ inches apart at a depth of 1 inch below the top surface of the pad. Depending on the manufacturer, the strength of the magnetic field and the material used to hold and cushion the magnets, a king-size pad can cost from $200 to $2,000.
Consult with a doctor before beginning magnetic therapy. It should not be used on pregnant women, babies or small children. Those who have pacemakers, defibrillators or any other electromedical device should avoid magnetic therapy.