How to Make Magnetic Bracelets & Necklaces
Things You'll Need
- Beading wire
- Wire nips
- Silver crimp beads
- 2 pewter charms, 10 mm or smaller
- Round-nosed pliers
- Decorative beads (gemstone or glass), 6 mm or smaller
- Magnetic hematite beads (any shape), 9 mm
Nip a 40-inch length of flexible beading wire.
Slip three crimp beads and a pewter charm onto one end of your wire. Slide the beads and charm down about an inch and fold the wire around the loop in your charm. Slip the end of the wire through the crimp beads to secure the loop around your charm. Crush the beads closed with your pliers.
Slide several decorative beads onto your wire, bumping them right up against your crimp beads. The section of decorative beads should be no more than about an inch and a half. This ensures that you have enough magnetic beads to hold the piece in place during use.
Slip a magnetic hematite bead into place next to your first section of decorative beads. You may choose oval, tube or faceted tube beads for best results. For round beads, use a round bead followed by one decorative bead and a second round bead. Lower surface area on round magnetic beads means you need more for optimum hold.
Slip another section of decorative beads onto the wire next to your magnetic bead. Each section of decorative beads should be separated by a magnetic bead or section of magnetic beads. Continue until you have about 3 inches of beading wire left.
Slip three more crimp beads onto the wire along with your second charm. Secure the charm as you did the first in Step 2.
Wrap the finished piece around your neck, ankle, or wrist. The magnets between decorative sections should hold it in place.