What Are the Benefits of Wearing Magnets?
One of the most common uses for magnetic therapy is for the treatment of arthritis pain. According to Intelihealth.com, a 2004 study using electromagnetic pulse therapy showed promising results combating osteoarthritis pain. Dr. Andrew Weil also points out some promising study results on his website, including a 1997 Baylor College study in which 76 percent of patients with "severe joint and muscle pain" experienced less pain under magnetic therapy.
Diabetic Foot Pain
According to both intelihealth.com and alkalizeforhealth.com, there is some evidence of patients suffering from pain associated with diabetes getting relief from magnetic therapy. In one study cited on alkalizeforhealth.com, a group using magnets experienced a reprieve from diabetes-related tingling and burning sensations as well as some post-exercise pain.
Improved Circulation
Worldofmagnets.com affirms that magnetic therapy can improve circulation and stimulate blood flow, which aids in the healing process, alleviates pain and reduces inflammation. The problem, according to them, is that our modern environment "disrupts" the body's natural magnetism, which is realigned with the use of magnets.
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